We has such a great Thanksgiving weekend up in Utah. It was so much fun! It was the first time we had driven there in a long time. Talk about road trip. We had thanksgiving dinner and my mother in laws house. The Prices came down from Idaho and had Thanksgiving with us. It was so great to see them, we missed Lisa and her family though. We got to see Shannon and Jared and their new baby William, who is the sweetest, cutest baby! Stu and his cousin Jared are really good friends and forever they have watched Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Stu bought three seasons on DVD before Jared got home from his mission just so when he got home they could watch them. They ended up buying one when we were up there and the season had the movie The Touch of Satan. Oh my heck we laughed so dang hard! It was great. Basically it is a show that makes fun of old, horrible movies. Anyways we also got to meet my mother in laws new fiance Greg. He is great and perfect for her. He is super nice and we are excited for them to get married. That was all on Wednesday and Thursday was Thanksgiving with a ton of great food and family fun. We cooked in the morning and ate at 2. I helped make the bird nest yams that are so good and really cute! They are grandma Foust's original recipe. Then on Friday we went to Sushi with Heath, Lindy, Jared, Julie, Stu and myself. We LOVE Sushi! My mother in law didn't love it but we told her it was an acquired taste! Then we went to West Jordan to hang out with Fernuski, Janie and baby Sam. It was great to see them again. Fernuski and Stu were companions on their mission. Later that night we rode the tracks into Salt Lake, which was actually fun. We then met up with Pat who was also on the same mission with Stu. Him and his wife Lindsay came. It was a lot of fun to get to see these boys get together and laugh and talk about the mission. Their wives are great and i loved talking with them! We got to see the temple lights, then we went and ate at California Pizza Kitchen. The lights were amazing! We then went back to the house and talked for a bit and watched an old mission video with all three boys in it. It was pretty funny. Later that night we watched a movie and stayed up til three. We had such a fun time with both couples and hope to see them soon. Then on Sat we went to breakfast with Fernuski because Janie had to work, then we were off. We were able to watch the BYU/ Utah game and have a great lunch at Greg's house. We got to meet all of his kids and their spouses. They are awesome and we loved meeting them. Then later that night we got to go with the Rigby side to dinner. It was so much fun and i love when we get together with Stu's mom's family because they are so easy to talk to and so much fun! I'm sad i didn't get a picture with all of them.

Heath brother entertaining us in a long car ride to Utah by dancing to Bloc Party!
Susan, Lindy, Me, Julie, Jamie, and even Summer helped cook thanksgiving morning.

Jamie, Julie, me and Lindy

The bird nest yams! They were so good and Summer loved putting on the marsh mellows before they went in the oven.
Baby William, he is so cute and tiny, we loved him!
My brother Heath came with us. It was a lot of fun having him there!

Greg, Jared, me and Stu
Greg one of Stu's best friends came to visit. It was fun to see him! WE love Greg!

Jared and Stu petting the horses. Stu gets this super funny face when he sees little kids and animals... He says it is because he gets really happy and clenches his teeth... I'm nervous for our kids!

They had really great Sushi here. Lindy is probably sick of me taking so many pictures!

Riding on the Tracks with Fernuski, Janie, Sam and Stu.

Temple lights with Janie, Fernuski, baby Sam, us and then Pat and Lindsay

Dinner at California Pizza Kitchen

The mission buddies

This was on our way to breakfast. Fernuski insisted on riding his scooter. He said it was one of the worst decisions he has ever made! HA it was freezing. He took Stu for a ride...

Lunch at Greg's with all the family!

Congrats you guys we love you!
Thanks everyone for such a great trip!