I guess everyone that has experience in remodeling a home will tell you it takes longer than expected and it is also more stressful than expected. I never thought picking out paint would be much more difficult then picking out flooring. However We are loving the way our home is shaping up and we should be moved in by the second or third week in Nov. We are finishing up painting next week, flooring goes in on the 6th and after that it should be smooth sailing. We will do landscaping and painting in the spring as well as fixing up the backyard by the pool.
Rivers is getting so old. He isn't my little baby anymore. It makes me so sad. He is moving around everywhere. He is so close to walking. He can say mama dada ba for ball dah for dog ca or tah for cat and he tries really hard to say Jesus. It ends up sounding like cheeses. He is such a funny little boy and he is so much fun. I must say the older he gets the more baby hungry I get but I assume that's natural. He likes to see how far he can go without getting told no no. He usually ends up doing what we were discouraging him to do. Its funny because after we say baby no, no he always laughs after he has done what we've told him not to do. We love our Rivey and he makes us laugh everyday. Thats all from here but we hope to have pictures of our house up soon!